Friday, May 31, 2024

Bold of Heart Release Fun


Bold of Heart by Susan K. Beatty is Here!

I'm excited to announce that the next book in the Suamalie Islands Series is now available! This book sounds like a great read, and I can't wait to share more about this story by Susan K. Beatty. This week, to celebrate Bold of Heart's release, the authors in the series are sharing our own stories about difficult choices. Look below to read mine, to find out more about the book, and enter in the giveaway.

Difficult Choices 

In Bold of Heart, two very different men are pursuing Tamzin Murray. One is very wealthy, and the other is a hospital chaplain (not wealthy!). But they are both very honorable and handsome men who love the Lord. Tamsin finds herself falling for both of them, but knows she has to make a choice. Let’s write about hard choices and how we made the final decision. And how did that decision work out?

I originally went to college with a major in elementary education. However, in the process of starting student teaching, I realized I didn't like how much time I had to spend away from my family. My boys were little, and I felt I was missing out on milestones in their life I didn't want to. After praying about it, I decided to change my major to English. Afterward, I wondered if all the education classes had been a waste. However, when my oldest started 1st grade, I felt led to start homeschooling. It is a decision I'll never regret. My family is a blessing and I love that God has allowed me to spend this special time with my children. It is a wonderful gift.

More About Bold of Heart

Purchase on Amazon Here

A reporter, a rich man, and a chaplain walk into a mystery…

Tamzin Murray has three goals: Follow Jesus. Control her no-filter mouth. And no romance. When her friend offers her a job as a reporter on the South Pacific Suamalie Islands, she jumps at the chance for a fresh start. But when she’s forced to meet the handsome, wealthy investor, she not only finds herself involved in a love triangle, but also a dangerous mystery.

When Wentworth “Sully” Sullivan’s yacht is sabotaged, he did not expect to fall for the reporter covering his story. Especially since his experience with women has mostly been with gold-diggers.

Émile Durand is too shy to date, but when he meets his sister’s new coworker, he can’t help his attraction to her. And the more he helps her out of scrapes, the further he falls in love with her.

As the mystery becomes more dangerous, and the more their hearts get entangled, how will Tamzin, Sully, and Émile get out of the messes they’ve put themselves into?

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Follow the Tour

Amanda Tru: June 1



Thursday, May 2, 2024

Trust Fall Release Fun

Exciting News!

Trust Fall by Chautona Havig is here! This is the next book in the Suamalie Series and sounds like a fun read! To celebrate, the other authors in the series are sharing funny stories. 

This was our prompt! 

Life is full of hairy experiences, and then you have just "hair" ones. In Trust Fall, Kensi ends up cutting her hair in a rash move and regrets it... at first. Share a story about a hair mishap or how a hairy experience turned out good in the end.

Read my story below and don't forget to enter the giveaway.

My Hairy Story...

I was about thirteen when my sister asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. My hair has always been thick, curly, and often frizzy. I've learned to calm it down now, but when I was that age, it was pretty unruly. The part that bugged me the most was at the nape of my neck. It would always get very tangled and difficult to brush out. One day on an impulse, I put the top layers of my hair into a bun, just leaving the lower layer at the back of my neck. I held it in a big clump and just chopped it with a pair of scissors. When I looked at it in the mirror, I was shocked to discover how short I'd cut it! To make matters worse, I had forgotten sister's wedding was only a month or two away.

By the day of the wedding, my hair had grown out a little, but it was still significantly shorter than the rest of my hair. I was embarrassed to admit what I had done, but thankfully, the hair stylist was able to work with it. I had a French twist hairdo, but since my hair was really short on the underside, she made a little curly q at the base of my neck. Looking back at the pictures now, I have to laugh at my impulsive decision.

More about Trust Fall...

Purchase on Amazon

Protecting her without her knowledge might get them both killed.

Grief has held Eve “Kensi” Kensington captive long enough. Determined to move on after the death of her fiancé six years ago, Kensi moves to St. Alyn to help Ezra with the new boat book business. That there’s a great therapist on the island is just a bonus.

When the West Coast Agency learns that the former fiancée of a deceased informant is under the radar, Simon Garver is tasked to protect her—without her knowledge, if possible. Great. Listening in on her therapy sessions might be the worst thing he’s ever had to do as an agent.

Nope… scrap that. Falling for his client takes the cake.

When Kensi learns Simon has been keeping secrets from her, she’s done. Too bad the arrival of a guy sent to “take care of her” means she needs him. She’ll cooperate until she’s safe, toss the trust exercises her therapist has insisted on in the trash, and get back to her job on Ezra’s boat.

If only her heart would listen to the plan…

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Follow the Tour...

Chautona Havig: April 30
Heidi Gray McGill: May 1
Amanda Tru: May 2
Rachel Skatvold: May 3
Jennifer Pierce: May 4
Susan K Beatty: May 5

Enter in the Giveaway...

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Treasured Keepsakes Release Week

 The day is here!


I’m excited to announce the release of Treasured Keepsakes. This book is the second installment in the Suamalie Islands Year Two Series. To celebrate, this week all the authors in the series are participating in a fun blog hop with a giveaway. Look below for more giveaway information.


Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt accident prone?


In Treasured Keepsakes, Jayson is going through a bit of a midlife crisis, leaving him absent minded and accident prone. Because of this, he finds himself in several precarious and humorous situations. 

I can relate to this character’s accident-prone nature. I have had times in my life where I’ve had mishaps. They were not very funny at the time, but looking back, I can laugh at the situations I’ve gotten myself into. One particular day, I was outside gardening with my kids. We were emptying the old ceramic pots so we could put in new potting soil and seeds.


We were almost finished when I noticed one pot at the top of the hill by our house so I went and got it. Halfway down the hill, I noticed there was a spider in the pot, so I watched it carefully. However, while the spider had me distracted, I didn’t notice the mole hole in the ground. My foot landed in the hole, my ankle twisted, and I rolled down the hill. The pot flew out of my hands and dirt flew out of it. When I landed, I sat right in the pile of dirt. I’m not sure where the spider ended up. After twisting my ankle, I was in too much pain to care!


Embarrassed and covered in dirt, I managed to hobble back inside and put ice on my ankle. It hurt for a few days but felt better by the end of the week. Now, I can look back at that day and chuckle. I must have looked pretty silly rolling down the hill with dirt flying everywhere. All that chaos caused by a silly spider!


Do you have a story about a silly mishap? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.


More About Treasured Keepsakes…


It doesn’t always end with a happily ever after.


Feeling unappreciated by her husband and burnt out at her job, Leah Kamuela needs to clear her head. Traveling to Laumua Island, she stays with her cousin, Sabrina, for a fresh start and to finally heal old wounds she’s covered up for years.


Jayson Kamuela has spent his life climbing the corporate ladder and his upcoming promotion will give him the life of his dreams, but at what cost? His wife has left him. He’s hit rock bottom. Maybe it’s time for him to change.


When Jayson is forced to go on sabbatical, he goes to search for his wife. Leah, however, after seeing Sabrina’s business success, believes she could also have a successful business on the Suamalie Islands.


With Leah needing to start on a new path and Jayson finally seeing the errors in his ways, how will the two of them work it out to finally have a happily ever after?


Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.


Purchase on Amazon Here:


Follow the Tour…


Rachel Skatvold: March 26

Heidi Gray Mcgill: March 27

Jennifer Pierce: March 28

Marguerite Martin Gray: March 29

Melissa Wardwell: March 30

Tabitha Bouldin: March 31





Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Deeper Love Release Week Fun


A New Release

It's hard to believe, year one of the Suamalie Islands Series is complete. This week we are celebrating Heidi Gray McGill's new release, A Deeper Love. All the authors in the series are sharing their favorite family friendly dad jokes. The tour stops are all listed below, along with an awesome giveaway!

My Favorite Dad Joke

I've been blessed to have a wonderful dad. Besides being a great dad and Godly role model for me, he is also very funny. He's always telling some kind of joke or telling a funny story. One of my favorite dad jokes is one about snowplows.

One night during a snowstorm, a young woman was trying to travel home from out of town. When the snow was too thick to see through, she remembered some advice her dad told her about driving in a snowstorm. "Always follow the snowplows and it will keep you from getting lost."

The girl followed the advice of her father and followed the first snowplow she saw. After an hour of the girl following the plow, it stopped. The driver got out and walked toward her car.

Embarrassed, the young woman rolled down the window to talk to him. "I'm sorry about following, you. I hope you don't mind." She told him all about her dad's advice.

When she finished talking, the plow driver smiled. "That's good advice and I don't mind if you follow me at all. I just stopped to let you know I'm done with the Walmart parking lot now, but I'm headed over to plow at Kmart now. You can follow me over there if you want." 🤣

More About A Deeper Love

What was that movie line about relationships built on intense experiences? Oh, yeah. They never work.

I get paid to do my dream job, usually by wealthy men who thrive on adventure. But when their adrenaline rush is gone and vacation is over, I’m still here, on a tropical island, with people who mostly leave me alone. And I like it that way.

Except for this guy. Seriously, Dan is the last man I want to get involved with. If he got Decompression Illness, the doctors would likely call it Mercedes Bends. He’s privileged and entitled and would never leave his city life behind for the challenges of living on a remote island. Which is a total relief, I’m telling you.

Don’t get me wrong—he’s prime shark bait, but I’m not ready to fall deeply in love with someone who won’t stay. There’s no such thing as going “too deep” where spiritual things are concerned. But when it comes to relationships, I’ll stay at the surface and snorkel rather than dive into the depths.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Follow the Tour

November 1: Amanda Tru

November 2: Rachel Skatvold

November 3: Susan K. Beatty

November 4: Tabitha Bouldin

November 5: Melissa Wardwell

Enter in the Giveaway

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Tropical Target Release Week Fun


Something New!

I'm excited to announce the release of another Suamalie Island book! Tropical Target by Jennifer Pierce looks like such a fun and exciting read! To celebrate this new release, the authors of the series ... myself included... are sharing a blog post. This week the theme is family. Look for my story below. Also, don't forget to read more about the book and sign up for the giveaway!

My Story...

In Tropical Target, Noa's mother cooks meals for her family, even though they're adults. Do you and your family get together regularly? What do you do? Watch a movie? Have a meal?

I can relate to having family meals together with my parents and siblings, even as adults. As a kid, we'd always have family night once a week. I had a family of six, plus my grandparents and uncle would come over, too, along with family friends. Sometimes we'd have so many people in the house, we'd barely have enough chairs for them all! I remember helping make the family meals and my dad saying to add extra green beans to the pot because a few more people were coming to dinner. I have a lot of good memories from family nights. We'd eat, play games, share old stories and enjoy plenty of laughter.

Today, we still get together when we can. My family is so big that almost every month has a birthday party to attend. We get together to celebrate, often with a big meal. I love my big family!

Do you have any fun family memories to share? If so, I'd love to hear about them in the comments!

More about the Book...

Being accused of murdering a client isn’t good for business.

Tropical islands are popular for destination weddings. But Le Cadeau Île won’t be a popular destination for long if Detective Noa Tanielu can’t find out who is responsible for a ring of thefts occurring during weddings. When the thefts escalate to the murder of a bridezilla, the most likely suspect is the new wedding photographer.

Wedding photographer Haley Marsh moved to the island to nurse her broken heart and start over after being dumped two days before her wedding. When she’s moved from the suspect list to the target list, a little white lie leads to a fake engagement. With Haley’s connections to the wedding business, it’s clear the key to solving this case lies in keeping up the charade.

Noa and Haley must navigate the investigation and Noa’s mother’s attempts to make the engagement all too real…if they survive that is.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Follow the Tour!

Jennifer Pierce: September 26

Rachel Skatvold: September 27

Tabitha Bouldin: September 28

Chautona Havig: September 29

Marguerite Gray: September 30

Melissa McKay Wardwell: October 1

Enter in the Giveaway...

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Room for Love Release Fun

It's release week for Room for Love by Marguerite Gray! I hope you've all been enjoying the Suamalie Islands Series as much as I have. It's like taking a vacation to an island getaway each month when one releases. This month we are celebrating this new release with a blog hop. All you have to do is go to each blog listed below, read the post and more about the new book. Then enter in the fun giveaway! Mine is below!

My Vacation Story...

This week we are talking about fun vacation experiences. In the book... Amy runs a bed and breakfast on Alexandre Island. She pours herself into making the experience memorable for her guests through her delicious recipes and comfortable, inviting accommodations. Do you have a positive (or funny) B & B or Airbnb (a cabin in the woods or a condo on the beach) experience to share? What made it special?”

As a young teen we took a family trip to Canada where we stayed in a little cabin by the lake. It was my first trip out of the United States, so it was interesting to experience something new. For example, the milk came in bags instead of cartons, and they had coins for a one and two dollar bill. 

We stayed for a week and fished every day. We fished so much that even at night in bed I still felt like I was in the boat! One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was trying to cast an imaginary pole off the side of the bed. Ha ha!

We had fish fries almost every night and it was a great vacation. Some memorable moments included spending time with my family, playing games, and reading lots of books. With no TV in the cabin, it made us spend more quality time together without so much distraction. Someday I'd love to go back to the little cabin by the lake.

What about you? Do you have any fun vacation stories? Tell me yours in the comments. 

More About the Book...

God gave her peace then; maybe He’ll do it again.

When Amy Lee’s son heads off to college, the bed and breakfast owner finds life even lonelier and emptier than she had after losing her husband. She needs something to occupy her mind and heart while she reinvents her life again. What more could she ask for than an after-school program for local children and a renewed interest in painting?

Then the arrival of a professor of archeology shakes her world and makes her yearn for the way things were only a few short months ago.

Still grieving the loss of his beloved wife, and ignoring the warnings and protests of his grown children, Professor Walker Standish escapes on a six-month sabbatical. His heart, barely beating these past months, jerks to life again when he finds more than a room at a B & B.

 Where an ocean meets the shore, love has room for one more.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Purchase here

Follow the Tour...

Chautona Havig: July 26

Rachel Skatvold: July 27 

Susan K. Beatty: July 28

Tabitha Bouldin: July 29

Amanda Tru: July 30

Enter in the Giveaway...

Friday, June 2, 2023

A Heart for News Release


A Heart for News by Susan K. Beatty is here!

To celebrate, this week the authors in the Suamalie Islands Series are having a blog tour and sharing our stories of how opposites attract. Look below for my story and please don't forget to follow the rest of the tour this week and enter in the giveaway!

Do Opposites Really Attract?

I've always heard this saying, but never really thought much of it until meeting my husband. We are the same in many ways. We are both quiet and reserved and share similar hobbies. We also like to watch movies together, but we like different genres. He is a good sport and will sit with me if I want to watch Star Wars, but sc ifi and fantasy aren't really his cup of tea. I will do the same when he likes to watch car racing movies. However, we find a compromise watching a comedy. We laugh together and enjoy the show. I think it's important to find common ground and not be bothered by the differences between us. After all, it would get kind of boring if we were completely the same. I've come to realize our differences complement each other and I wouldn't have it any other way.

More about the Book

Will a heart for news get a scoop on love?

Though Margo Durand invests her whole heart into working for her family’s newspaper, her father refuses to modernize, and she harbors a secret fear of approaching interviewees and all things dangerous—except riding her Vespa everywhere. But when Margo follows evidence that two government officials are corrupt, Margo discovers danger, intrigue, and a legal sort of blackmail.

Professional race car driver, Steve Grayson, arrives to finish recuperating and overcome his fear of getting back on the track while pursuing his desire to open a race car driving school on Le Cadeau Île. If he can find the money and convince the owner to sell.

When Margo’s best friend sets Margo up with Steve as a tour guide, conveniently forgetting to tell him Margo is a reporter, they tour the islands until Steve is willingly dragged into the investigation. The investigation only opens new questions, creates new trials, and has the potential to destroy their budding romance.

Does pursuing a relationship just before he leaves to take part in one last racing season even make sense?

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Follow the Tour