A Deeper Love Release Week Fun


A New Release

It's hard to believe, year one of the Suamalie Islands Series is complete. This week we are celebrating Heidi Gray McGill's new release, A Deeper Love. All the authors in the series are sharing their favorite family friendly dad jokes. The tour stops are all listed below, along with an awesome giveaway!

My Favorite Dad Joke

I've been blessed to have a wonderful dad. Besides being a great dad and Godly role model for me, he is also very funny. He's always telling some kind of joke or telling a funny story. One of my favorite dad jokes is one about snowplows.

One night during a snowstorm, a young woman was trying to travel home from out of town. When the snow was too thick to see through, she remembered some advice her dad told her about driving in a snowstorm. "Always follow the snowplows and it will keep you from getting lost."

The girl followed the advice of her father and followed the first snowplow she saw. After an hour of the girl following the plow, it stopped. The driver got out and walked toward her car.

Embarrassed, the young woman rolled down the window to talk to him. "I'm sorry about following, you. I hope you don't mind." She told him all about her dad's advice.

When she finished talking, the plow driver smiled. "That's good advice and I don't mind if you follow me at all. I just stopped to let you know I'm done with the Walmart parking lot now, but I'm headed over to plow at Kmart now. You can follow me over there if you want." 🤣

More About A Deeper Love

What was that movie line about relationships built on intense experiences? Oh, yeah. They never work.

I get paid to do my dream job, usually by wealthy men who thrive on adventure. But when their adrenaline rush is gone and vacation is over, I’m still here, on a tropical island, with people who mostly leave me alone. And I like it that way.

Except for this guy. Seriously, Dan is the last man I want to get involved with. If he got Decompression Illness, the doctors would likely call it Mercedes Bends. He’s privileged and entitled and would never leave his city life behind for the challenges of living on a remote island. Which is a total relief, I’m telling you.

Don’t get me wrong—he’s prime shark bait, but I’m not ready to fall deeply in love with someone who won’t stay. There’s no such thing as going “too deep” where spiritual things are concerned. But when it comes to relationships, I’ll stay at the surface and snorkel rather than dive into the depths.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Follow the Tour

November 1: Amanda Tru

November 2: Rachel Skatvold

November 3: Susan K. Beatty

November 4: Tabitha Bouldin

November 5: Melissa Wardwell

Enter in the Giveaway


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