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All an Act Release Fun

New Suamalie Book!  I'm excited to announce the new release of All an Act by Melissa Wardwell. This is part of the multi-author, Suamalie Islands Series and looks like such a fun read! To celebrate, this week all of the authors in the series are participating in a blog tour and giveaway. Don't forget to enter! Past Mistakes In All An Act, Lulu comes face to face with a part of her past that she thought was no longer an issue. That is until she runs into André. The deep-seated bitterness she held toward him affected more areas of her life  than she would like to admit. Sometimes when past mistakes come back to haunt us, it can cause much anxiety and hurt. I have had times in my life when I have felt shame over something I should not have said or done. Even after asking forgiveness, I have still been plagued by regret, until handing it over to God. When dealing with situations like this, it is important to remember how God looks at our sins after we have asked for forgiveness. 1

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