The Tidal Wave Release Fun

The Title Wave is here!

I've been excited about Chautona Havig's book in this series since seeing the mock up cover over a year ago because it sounded like such an exciting story idea. It has been such a fun series to write in and Ezra sounds like a character full of spunk and an adventurous spirit. This week, some of the authors in the Suamalie Islands Series will be participating in a blog tour and sharing our own stories about friendship. Be sure to look for mine below and don't forget to enter in the giveaway!

Why the Best Friendships Often Pick Up Where they Left Off...

Being an introvert, I often find it difficult to make friends, so I treasure the close friendships I have. Recently I spent time with a friend from church, who I grew up with. Both busy homeschool moms, we don't get to see each other as much as I'd like, but It seems like we are always able to pick up right where we left off. One afternoon I sat in her living room, holding her baby. Our kids played together nearby while we talked and before long, I'd been there for a few hours without even realizing. Her sweet baby boy had fallen asleep in my arms as we talked about kids, homeschool, funny stories from the past, and more.

We didn't need plan a fancy outing to catch up. Just having some girl talk was exactly what we both needed. It's a blessing to have friends like that in my life.

More about The Title Wave...

All he wants to do is help people, but local women want to help themselves… to him!

When Henri Tupuola returned to Suamalie to open his holistic mental health clinic, he had no idea what he was getting into. After ten years in Australia getting his degree and practical experience under his mentor, the locals had all but forgotten the quiet “boy”  who had always made them feel like he could see right through them.

Not anymore! The ladies of Lafoina are eager to meet the island’s therapist and spend hours staring deeply into his eyes on their weekly dates… ahem, sessions.

Desperate for relief, he hightails it down to The Title Wave and begs Ezra to order him a couple dozen copies of his own book. Yes, author copies would be cheaper, but he needs these things fast. Maybe if he hands out his book like an old-time quack handed out pills, the ladies will get the hint and leave him alone.

But when he tells his troubles to Ezra (who’s the therapist now?), and she jokes at how much her father would love to have people flocking to his “sessions” so to speak, Henri gets an idea that could save his sanity… if only Ezra will agree.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.

Available for Purchase on Amazon

Follow the Tour...

Chautona Havig: April 25
Amanda Tru: April 27
Rachel Skatvold: April 28
Jennifer Pierce: April 29
Susan K Beatty: April 30

Enter in the Giveaway...


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